Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I had no idea how long it had been since I last posted until Sherie asked me where I went? Thanks, Sherie, for asking.
Life is just so busy. I can't keep up with anything anymore and really feel like I don't have much to say about anything anymore. I don't know how much talking I need to do on here but I will try to post pictures now and again. As we grow our little egg business I might just turn this into a Farm Website for information, rather than an online journal. We'll see.

The chicks are 7 weeks old tomorrow. They are nearly all feathered. Surprisingly, I have only lost one to death. I gave 5 to my sister-n-law and I'll be selling 5 and giving 12 to Abbot Tryphon at All Merciful Savior Monastery to help them get their start in chickens. So when all is said and done I hope to have about 78 hens to start laying eggs for us in January or so.

The laying hens have free range of the garden now. We picked all remaining produce over the weekend and had our first hard frost Saturday night.
I was excited to dig up 74.5 # of potatoes!! It was like digging for buried treasure. Now to store them. I would like to freeze them into french fries but it takes so much time and space (when you flash freeze them).
So the garden is done. But now comes the fun of reading and planning for the next year to come. I have big plans for next year. Every year gets better and bigger. But I have lots of reading to do. I want lots of herbs next year and flowers. I've never really done either so we'll see what happens.
So anyway. There is the St. Brigid Farm update.
Have a lovely October!

PS...I realized after posting that the new picture of the chicks at the top of the post, is perfectly placed under the blog header which is the chicks at just a couple days old. Look how fast they grow!!!